Friday, April 25, 2008

Stuff traveling faster than light, and ignorant scientists

I read a very interesting article on the internet once, and I want to talk a little about it and how I think some scientists are ignorant about the matter. You can find the whole article at:

It’s about a twin photon experiment done by Dr. Nicolas Gisin of the University of Geneva and his colleagues. He sent pairs of photons in opposite directions trough optical fibers and when reaching the end of the fibers the two photons were forced to make random choices between alternative equally pathways. But the independent decisions by the paired protons always matched! Which means there has to be some kind of invisible “link” between them, some way for them to “communicate” so the one always does what the other one does. Which by “classical” physics is not possible; since nothing can travel faster than light.

Quotes from the article (please read):

The idea behind Gisin's experiment was not new. Since the 1970s, physicists have been testing a prediction of quantum theory that "entangled" particles continue to communicate with each other instantaneously even when very far apart.

Past experiments on entangled particles were carried out over distances of 100 yards or less. By showing that the link between two entangled particles survives even when they are seven miles apart, Gisin set a dramatic distance record.

"In principle, it should make no difference whether the correlation between twin particles occurs when they are separated by a few meters or by the entire universe," he said in an interview.

In Gisin's experiment, as in earlier ones, no signal of any kind (that we could detect) was transmitted between the photons, but despite this, one of the photons "knew" what happened to its distant twin, and mimicked the twin's response. This response took less than one ten-thousandth of the time a light beam would have needed to carry the news from one photon to the other.

Whatever the nature of the connection between entangled particles may be, nearly all physicists agree that it cannot be used to transmit messages faster than the speed of light. All it can do is assure that a random choice by one entangled particle is instantly echoed by its distant partner. This is not the same thing as transmitting information, the experts say, and therefore it does not violate relativity theory.

Well, it’s the last quote there which really provokes me. Just listen to the stupidity of that sentence, they somehow can’t believe that this can be used to send messages faster than light, because this violates with the RELATIVITY theory?! But if they somehow affect one of the particles the other one WILL be affected too, it doesn’t sounds so hard, not that I’m an expert, but I’m sure they haven’t experimented enough yet to disprove this. They just don’t want to believe in it since it destroys their whole view on how the world function and they choose to ignore what doesn’t fit into any of their theories (like a religious man choose to ignore scientific facts). But the whole point is ridiculous, they don’t think it’s possible for US to use these particles to transfer messages/data (imagine the superfast internet we could create) BUT there sure is SOME connection between the particles telling THEM what the other one does, and is this not DATA being sent, traveling faster than light?!

And if we just figure out how they communicate we wouldn’t even need the particles to send any data. Why do they even believe that anything has to actually TRAVEL faster than light for this to function? Does everything have to travel? In a computer game we can send data without it having to actually “travel trough the 3D world”, and why can’t we just open our eyes and understand that this might be possible in our world too? Not everything needs to be in 3D, in a game we have the programming which lies “beneath” the 3D world and is by no way limited by it, but sure can be used to manipulate it as I described this in another chapter.

But there is even more interesting stuff in the article:

Another deep quantum mystery for which physicists have no answer has to do with "tunneling" -- the bizarre ability of particles to sometimes penetrate impenetrable barriers. This effect is not only well demonstrated; it is the basis of tunnel diodes and similar devices vital to modern electronic systems.

The probabilistic nature of quantum events means that if a stream of particles encounters an obstacle, most of the particles will be stopped in their tracks but a few, conveyed by probability alone, will magically appear on the other side of the barrier. The process is called "tunneling," although the word in itself explains nothing.

"We find," Chiao said, "that a barrier placed in the path of a tunneling particle does not slow it down. In fact, we detect particles on the other side of the barrier that have made the trip in less time than it would take the particle to traverse an equal distance without a barrier -- in other words, the tunneling speed apparently greatly exceeds the speed of light. Moreover, if you increase the thickness of the barrier the tunneling speed increases, as high as you please.

Should we just ignore this too because we so hard want to believe in the relativity theory? I’m not saying that the relativity theory is necessarily wrong, I’m just saying that this has nothing to do with it, that this function at another level.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What happens when we die?

I believe this is when we step out of our “vehicle” which we believed was a part of us. That it’s like waking up from a dream, a dream were you was so dumbed-down that you didn’t understand anything. That you can experience the world for what it really is and not the 10% you thought it was.

When explaining things to children you need to dumb it down into something they can understand, we all heard the story about the bees and flowers… So bear with me!

It’s like coming out of out of the tank you’ve been driving around in your whole life. Inside it you could only view the world out through a little hole, you could only steer forward, backward, left and right and a big rock would block your road. Inside this tank we can agree on that you experience the world in a limited way, and I believe that our body “is” that tank (if you get the idea). But when it was shot by an enemy tank and destroyed you noticed there was a hole in it, you climb out of it and you’re free from the tank. You can now experience the world in a totally different way and you are not anymore limited to its two-dimensional way of driving. If there is a big rock in the road you can now climb over it!

This is what I believe happens when we die, and when I put it that way it doesn’t sound too unrealistic does it? That we may be eternal and continue to live after our body dies? And if we were driving a "tank" in the first place I guess we can find a new one (reincarnation). ;-)